Work Packages

To achieve the expected objectives, the Project has been divided into the following 6 Work Packages (WP):

WP1: Requirements, Specifications, and Design of the Architecture of the XpRience Thess Project.

Objective: WP1 aims to record the scenarios and the requirements for the use of the individual applications of the system (Experiential Virtual Reality Application, Localized Augmented Reality Application, and Augmented City Guide Application) as well as the integration of the elements mentioned above in the walking tour, to develop the specifications for the design of the architecture of the system. At the same time, an economic and technical study will take place.

  • Work Subpackage WS1.1Specification of the requirements for the users and the applications:
    During this subpackage, the use cases will be determined, concerning: the kind and type of the walking tour applications, the requirements of each use case, as well as the features of the design, for which the applications will be developed. Also, the types of users, and their requirements, will be determined, regarding the features of the applications, along with the ways of interaction, the parameters of ergonomics, and the use of devices and applications during the walking tour in a natural space, while the existing technological background of related solutions, will also be put under the scope.
  • Work Subpackage WS1.2Market Research and Competitive Solutions:
    During this subpackage, market research will take place, to examine the degree to which respective technologies and digital tools are being used by the competition. The overall offered services will be analyzed, along with their cost, and the training that is required, along with a series of details that are associated with the specific locations where the Project takes place. The conclusions and the valuations will be part of and recorded in a study.
  • Work Subpackage WS1.3Technical specifications and architecture:
    During this subpackage, there will be a study on the technical specifications and clarifications, based on the use cases. Functional requirements for Virtual and Augmented reality applications will be set and specifications for interaction with the software will be determined based on the available device and usage scenario. At the same time, a holistic architecture will be designed, that will depict the natural and functional, and operational concretization of the platform and the applications which will be developed.

WP2: Depiction, Interaction, Georeference, and Positioning Algorithms Development.

Objective: WP2 mainly aims to develop and customise the algorithms and methods targeting the materialization of Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications.
In the context of these tasks, algorithms concerning the depiction, interaction, georeference, and positioning of the users and use cases will be set and developed as well as the ways of interaction that will be supported by the applications depending on the type of the device and the use case.

  • Work Subpackage 2.1Methods and Algorithms of Virtual and Augmented Depiction:
    During this subpackage, the algorithms and methods of representing Virtual and Augmented Reality in Android, iOS, and Microsoft HoloLens devices used for the implementation of the final applications of the XpRience Thess, will be studied and developed.
  • Work Subpackage 2.2Methods and Algorithms of Georeference and Positioning:
    For the augmentation scenarios to be integrated into the real space in which the people using the apps will be used, algorithms and methods of georeferencing for the content of every Augmented Reality application, along with the algorithms and methods that will position the users, based on the GPS and the sensors that are contained in the smartphone devices and the Augmented Reality Goggles, but with recognition of the optical and 3D features that can be tracked through a built-in camera in the augmented reality device.
    The overlay of 3D illustrations will be possible due to these algorithms and the multimedia material in the exact position and direction so that they will be naturally integrated into the viewer’s visual field relating to the real world.
  • Work Subpackage 2.3Methods and Algorithms of Multimodal Interaction:
    During this subpackage, the algorithms and methods of multimodal interaction will be studied and developed. Except for the classic, touch-screen interaction, different methods, such as
    vocal interaction, and gesturing, will be researched and implemented, to be applied to the final XpRience Thess Application. These algorithms will allow real-time interaction, either with the virtual or the augmented environment, depending on the occasion, as well as with the total interaction and the content of the applications. Given the different potential of each device that will be used according to the scenario use, the improvement of the implementation fitting each development platform will be explored, so that people with visual, hearing, or movement impairments will be able to take part.

WP3: Virtual and Augmented Plotlines Development.

Objectives: During this package, the plotlines for the Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications, will be developed, along with the multimedia, 3D, kinematic, and interacting material which will be fitted in every walking tour case use. Furthermore, the historic elements, the virtual characters, buildings, incidents, and objects, depicted in the applications will be developed, alongside the material used for the Augmented Reality Guide Application for smartphones.

  • Work Subpackage 3.1Development of Augmented Walking Tours:
    In this subpackage, the best potential tours, during which users will be connected with the city’s last-century history will be examined. Actual buildings will also be connected with the digital material, creating an overall historically accurate reality for the users, which will allow them to create simulations of older conditions and routes.
  • Work Subpackage 3.2Plotline and Multimedia Material Development:
    This subpackage aims to develop plotlines, based on real stories of the previous century. Historic documents will be recorded, and the most appropriate ones will be chosen and connected to the multimedia material. The fact that individuals will use applications with plots based on true events and stories, that will be historically accurate through the multimedia material, is expected to have a great impact on their overall experience.
  • Work Subpackage 3.33D and Kinematic Material Development:
    This subpackage aims to develop the 3D content and the kinematic objects and special effects of the applications. This includes the 3D models of monuments, buildings, objects, and vegetation, as well as fictional characters who will surround the plotlines. The triangulated form, the textures, and the special effects (fire, smoke, etc.) along with the kinematic materialization will embed object motion in the virtual space (vehicles moving, building remodelling, etc.), and finally, the character’s speech and movement and their kinematic interaction with the users will all be included in this development.

WP4: Integration and Materialization of the XpRience Thess Applications

Objective: This Package will embed the results of the technical development in WP2 and the plotlines of WP4 in the final application. During the embedding, the last interfaces of the three applications (Virtual and Augmented Reality and Augmented Guide) will be carried out, while the respective plotlines and the multimedia, 3D, and kinematic material will be added and adjusted in every application, according to the type, and the parameters of each one, aiming their final versions.

  • Work Subpackage WP4.1Implementation and Embedding of Virtual Application:
    During this subpackage, the interfaces and software of the virtual illustration and interaction algorithms will be developed, along with the content of the virtual tour plotlines. That way, an original runnable Virtual Navigation app for Virtual Reality devices will be created, containing the final plotline for the users on the walking tours of the city.
  • Work Subpackage WP4.2Implementation and Embedding of Virtual Application:
    During this subpackage, the interfaces, and software of the algorithms of the augmented illustration, georeference, positioning, and interaction will be developed, along with the content of the virtual tour plotlines. So, an original runnable Augmented Navigation app for Augmented Reality (HoloLens) devices, and Android or iOS smartphones, will be created, containing the final plotline for every spot of digital augmentation.
  • Work Subpackage WP4.3Implementation and Embedding of Augmented Navigation Tour Application:
    During this subpackage, the interfaces, and software of the algorithms of the augmented illustration, georeference, positioning, and interaction will be developed, along with the multimedia content of the Augmented Navigation Tour application. So, an app for Android and
    iOS smartphones will be created, which will recommend walking tours, provide the possibility of map tracking, display multimedia material, and information, in 3D form, overlaying the environment with the smartphone’s camera, and relate spots of historic and cultural interest in the city.

WP5: Completion and Pilot Testing

Objectives: The overall aim of WP5 is the completion of the applications, user-testing, assessment and recording of the abilities, correct use of the virtual and augmented software and hardware in pilot development circumstances, and finally, highlighting possible deviations from the targets or the need for fixups, coordination, and enchantments for the final testing of the apps and the plotlines.

  • Work Subpackage WS5.1Completion of the Applications and Systems:
    During this subpackage, the applications will be completed, installed in the devices, and tested. After the tests, the debugging, the fixups, and improvements will take place, so functionality during the pilot testing and later during the distribution will be guaranteed.
  • Work Subpackage WS5.2Pilot Testing and Assessment:
    During this subpackage, pilot testing will take place. The overall quality, functionality, and usability will be tested, among other aspects. All the above will be evaluated by the users in an adequate sample (>50), to ensure that the product evaluation will cover both the overall and the individual parts (i.e., plotlines, digital quality, usability). The findings will be recorded along with the strong and weak spots and the areas that might need improvements will be examined.

WP6: Dissemination and Utilization

Objective: This work package aims at the determination of the actions necessary for the Project’s dissemination and communication, and the study for utilizing the project’s results.

  • Work Subpackage WS6.1Dissemination, Communication, and Utilization Plan for the Project’s Results:
    In this subpackage, the activities for dissemination and communication will be planned, and at the same time, the industrial research will be evaluated and priced to utilize the Project’s results and turn them into financially and technically usable innovative solutions.
  • Work Subpackage WS6.2Dissemination, Communication, and Utilization Actions based on the Project’s Results:
    In this subpackage, the activities for the broader dissemination and utilization of the Project’s results will occur. Different actions, concerning the combination of media techniques, will take place, including public posts on the press (hard copied or online) and on social media platforms, organization, and involvement in conferences, workshop organization for the projection of the pilot installations and their utilization, presenting the Product’s results in product providing and services of the participating entities.